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About Fortun8 Food Images


Welcome to Fortun8 Food Images. My name is Fortune McLemore, and I've been shooting food since 2003. I got the idea to do food photography from a cover of Food & Wine magazine, with the juiciest-looking hamburger I'd ever seen on it. 

I wanted to bite into that picture, it looked so good!


Long story short, I figured, "Hey, I can do this!" So I tried my hand at it, and fell in love. The beauty of food really got to me.

The shapes, the colors, the shadows, the highlights, the...well, pretty much everything.  And food never complains about you shooting its "bad side"...yay!


I've been a photographer since 1990, and I also do portraits and fine arts. To me, food photography is a blend of both.

It's a portrait of the food, but I like to use my fine arts training to present the food in the best way possible. I have a Professional Photography Certificate from the New York Institute of Photography. 


I owe a debt of gratitude to the greatest food photographer of all time, Lou Manna. Such an inspiring photographer, and person. His book Digital Food Photography is a must if you want to shoot food, and I've learned some fantastic techniques from him. 


Come on in and take a look around. And I hope you're hungry when you leave the site...


Fortune McLemore








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